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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-79

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On the Decomposition of Graphs

F. R. K. Chung

pp. 1-12

A Problem with Telephones

Richard T. Bumby

pp. 13-18

On the Sensitivity of the Gravity Model

Tommy Elfving

pp. 19-24

Sensitive Growth Analysis of Multiplicative Systems I: The Dynamic Approach

Uriel G. Rothblum

pp. 25-34

A Group Testing Problem on Two Disjoint Sets

Gerard J. Chang and F. K. Hwang

pp. 35-38

Threshold Sequences

P. L. Hammer, T. Ibaraki, and B. Simeone

pp. 39-49

A Fast Algorithm for Finding Strong Starters

J. H. Dinitz and D. R. Stinson

pp. 50-56

Diagonal Scaling to an Orthogonal Matrix

A. Berman, B. N. Parlett, and R. J. Plemmons

pp. 57-65

Nonnegative $\lambda $-Monotone Matrices

S. K. Jain and L. E. Snyder

pp. 66-76

Computing the Minimum Fill-In is NP-Complete

Mihalis Yannakakis

pp. 77-79